#bind Sets your targets bind spot to their current location #cast [spellid] - Cast a spell #castspell [spellid] - Cast a spell #clearquestitems Clears quest items for multiquesting currently on the target npc. #copychar [character name] [new character] [new account id] - Create a copy of a character #corpse Manipulate corpses, use with no arguments for help #damage [amount] - Damage your target #dbspawn 指定したIDのNPC(モンスター)を召喚させるコマンド #depop Depop your NPC target #face [number of face] - Sets you or your target's face to face number, temporarily. #fear View and edit fear grids and hints #finditem Finds an item by name or ID. #findspell [searchstring] - Search for a spell #findzone [search criteria] - Search database for zone #flymode [0/1/2] - Set your or your player target's flymode to off/on/levitate #fov Check wether you're behind or in your target's field of view #freeze Freeze your target #fz [search criteria] - Search database for zone #gender [0/1/2] - Change your or your target's gender to male/female/neuter #gi [itemid] - Gives your target an item. #giveitem [itemid] [charges] - Summon an item onto your target's cursor. Charges are optional. #givemoney [pp] [gp] [sp] [cp] - Gives specified amount of money to the target player. #gmhideme Hides you from /who and /who all and makes you invisible to players. #gmspeed [on/off] - Turn GM speed hack on/off for you or your player target #goto [x] [y] [z] - Teleport to the provided coordinates or to your target #guild help Guild manipulation commands. Use argument help for more info. #guildapprove [guildapproveid] - Approve a guild with specified ID (guild creator receives the id) #guildcreate [guildname] - Creates an approval setup for guild name specified #guildlist [guildapproveid] - Lists character names who have approved the guild specified by the approve id #haste [percentage] - Set your haste percentage #hatelist Display hate list for target. #heal Completely heal your target #help [search term] - List available commands and their description, specify partial command as argument to search #hideme [on/off] - Hide yourself from spawn lists. #kill Kill your target #lastname [new lastname] - Set your or your player target's lastname #level [level] - Set your or your target's level #listnpcs [name/range] - Search NPCs #makepet [level] [class] [race] [texture] - Make a pet #mana Fill your or your target's mana #manaburn Use AA Wizard class skill manaburn on target #manastat Report your or your target's cur/max mana #memspell [slotid] [spellid] - Memorize spellid in the specified slot #name [newname] - Rename your player target #npctypespawn [npctypeid] [factionid] - Spawn an NPC from the db #nukebuffs Strip all buffs on you or your target #nukeitem [itemid] - Remove itemid from your player target's inventory #peqzone [zonename] - Go to specified zone, if you have > 75% health #permaclass [classnum] - Change your or your player target's class (target is disconnected) #permagender [gendernum] - Change your or your player target's gender (zone to take effect) #permarace [racenum] - Change your or your player target's race (zone to take effect) #printquestitems Returns available quest items for multiquesting currently on the target npc. #scribespell [spellid] - Scribe specified spell in your target's spell book. #scribespells スペルを覚える。最大、最小 [maxlevel], [minlevel] - Scribe all spells for you or your player target that are usable by them, up to level specified. #search Finds an item by name or ID. #setaaexp [amount] - Adds the amount of AA experience you specified to you or your target. #setaapoints [AA|group|raid] [new AA points value] - Increase your AA points based on amount specified. #setaapts [value] - Set your or your player target's available AA points #setaaxp [value] - Set your or your player target's AA experience #setadventurepoints Set you or your player target's available adventure points #setskill スキル値を変更する。[skillnum] [value] - Set your target's skill skillnum to value #setallskill [amount] - Sets all your skills to any amount, from 0 to 400. #setanim [animnum] - Set target's appearance to animnum #setexp [amount] - Adds the amount of experience you specified to you or your target #setfaction [faction number] - Sets targeted NPC's faction in the database #setitemstatus [itemid] [status] - Set the minimum admin status required to use itemid #setskill [skillnum] [value] - Set your target's skill skillnum to value #setskillall [value] - Set all of your target's skills to value #setxp [value] - Set your or your player target's experience #showbuffs List buffs active on your target or you if no target #showpetspell [spellid/searchstring] - search pet summoning spells #showskills Show the values of your or your player target's skills #showstats Show details about you or your target #si [itemid], [charges] - Spawns an item with the chosen charges. #size [size] - Change size of you or your target #spawn [name] [race] [level] [material] [hp] [gender] [class] [priweapon] [secweapon] [merchantid] - Spawn an NPC #spawnstatus Show respawn timer status #spellinfo [spellid] - Get detailed info about a spell #spfind [searchstring] - Search for a spell #stun [duration] - Stuns you or your target for duration #summon [charname] - Summons your player/npc/corpse target, or charname if specified #summonburriedplayerc Summons the target's oldest burried corpse, if any exist. #summonitem [itemid] [charges] - Summon an item onto your cursor. Charges are optional. #unfreeze Unfreeze your target #unscribespell [spellid] - Unscribe specified spell from your target's spell book. #unscribespells Clear out your or your player target's spell book. #weather [0/1/2/3] (Off/Rain/Snow/Manual) - Change the weather #zone [zonename] [x] [y] [z] - Go to specified zone (co-ordinates optional)