#bot help ゲーム内でのヘルプです。コマンド一覧が表示されます。 #bot help create shows all race/class/id’s - use for bot creation. #bot create[name] [class id] [race id] [male/female] creates a permanent bot. #bot delete destroys targeted bot and its items permanently. #bot list [all/class (1-16)] list all created bots or by class. #bot spawn [id#] or [bot name] 作成したBotを指定[bot id] or [bot名] して召還します。 #bot summon all BOTを手元に引き寄せる #bot group add Adds the targeted bot to your group. #bot group remove Removes the targeted bot from your group. #bot group order [follow/guard/attack (target)] Give orders to your grouped bots. #bot inventory list Displays the targeted bot’s inventory and slot ID #’s. #bot inventory remove [slot ID#] Removes targeted bots inventory item in the slot ID #. #bot inventorygive BOTにアイテムを渡す #bot inventorywindow BOTのイベントりーを開く #bot update Used to update your bots when you level up. #bot group summon Summons all your grouped bots to you. #bot summon Will summon only your targeted bot to you. #bot ai mezz Enchanter bot will mezz your target. #bot picklock Targeted Rogue bot will attempt to pick lock (must be very close to door). #bot cure [poison/disease/curse/blindness] Cleric/Shaman etc. bot will attempt to cure your affliction. #bot bindme Cleric bot will cast Bind Affinity on you. #bot track Ranger bot will look at mobs in the zone. #bot target calm Cleric/Ench/Pally bot will attempt to pacify your target mob. #bot evac Appropriate Bot will transport your group to safe spot in zone (bots will disappear-“poof”). #bot resurrectme Cleric bot will resurrect you. #bot corpse summon Necromancer bot will summon your corpse. #bot lore Mag/Wiz/Ench/Nec Bot will cast Identify on the item held with your mouse pointer. #bot sow Druid etc. Bot will cast Spirit of the Wolf on you. #bot invis Appropriate bot will cast invisibility. #bot levitate Appropriate bot will cast levitate. #bot resist Appropriate bot will cast resist buffs. #bot runeme Enchanter bot will cast rune on you. #bot shrinkme Shaman bot will cast shrink on you. #bot endureb Appropriate bot will cast enduring breath. #bot charm Appropriate bot will cast charm on your target. #bot dire charm Appropriate bot will cast dire charm on your target. #bot pet remove Appropriate bot will remove charm from your pet. #bot gate Druid/Wiz bot will cast Gate. #bot archery Toggles archery equipped bots between archery and melee weapons. #bot magepet [earth/water/air/fire/monster] Select the pet type you want your Magician bot to use. #bot raid help Commands you can use in raids. #bot raid [commands] Use #bot raid help for the commands. #bot saveraid Saves you current group or groups of bots. #bot spawnraid Spawns your saved goup. #bot groupraid Groups your spawned bots. Bot Raid Commands: #bot raid help Bot Raid Menu #bot raid info Shows information on your raid group or groups. #bot raid create Will create a raid group (You will be the raid leader). #bot raid group create Will create a raid group (Your target will be the raid leader). #bot raid invite bot [group leaders name] Invite your target into your group leaders group. #bot raid disband Disbands the raid group. #bot raid order maintank Your target will be flagged as the Main Tank. #bot raid order secondtank Your target will be flagged as the Second Tank. #bot raid order maintarget Your target will be flagged as your raid’s Main Target. #bot raid order secondtarget Your target will be flagged as your raid’s Second Target. #bot raid order grouptarget [group leaders name] Your target will be flagged as the Main Target of a specific raid group. #bot raid order task [attack/guard] [group leaders name] Give a specific task (attack/guard) to a specific raid group. #bot raid order task [follow/assist] [group leaders name] Give a specific task (follow/assist) to a specific raid group. #bot raid order task enraged Command you raid to stop attacking and defend against any Enraged Mobs. #bot help create Classes: 1 Warrior 2 Cleric 3 Paladin 4 Ranger 5 Shadowknight 6 Druid 7 Monk 8 Bard 9 Rogue 10 Shaman 11 Necromancer 12 Wizard 13 Magician 14 Enchanter 15 Beastlord 16 Berserker Races: 1 Human 2 Barbarian 3 Erudite 4 Wood Elf 5 High Elf 6 Dark Elf 7 Half Elf 8 Dwarf 9 Troll 10 Ogre 11 Halfling 12 Gnome 330 Froglok 128 Iksar 130 Vah shir 性別 : 男性0 女性1 基本Bot操作コマンド #bot group add [target] 召還したBotをGroupに入れます。 #bot group remove [target] Groupに入れたBotを外します。 #bot group order [follow/guard/attack (target)] Groupのスタンスを決めます。 follow: Botはあなたの回りについていきます。 guard: attack [target]: Botは[target]を攻撃します。 #bot inventory list [target] Botの装備一覧を表示します。 #bot inventory remove [slotid] [target] Botの装備を外します。 #bot update [target] あなたのLVが上がった時に実行するとBotのLVやSpell,Skillも上昇します。 #bot group summon Bot達を自分の回りにSummonします。 #bot ai mez [target] BotにENCがいれば[target]をMezします。 Advanced Bot Commands #bot raid help #bot raid info #bot raid create #bot raid group create [target] #bot raid invite bot [target] [group leader's name] #bot raid remove group [group leader's name] #bot raid order maintank [target] #bot raid order secondtank [target] #bot raid order maintarget [target] #bot raid order secondtarget [target] #bot raid order grouptarget [group leader's name] [target] #bot raid order task [attack/guard] [group leader's name] #bot raid order task [follow/assist] [group1 leader's name] [group2 leader's name] #bot raid disband